Services Levy and Taxes

Owners of residential properties in the UBC neighbourhoods pay a services levy to UBC and taxes to the province. Some of the taxes paid to the province are collected by it as the collection agent for other entities. Property taxes are payable at the beginning of July. The payment date for the services levy fluctuates between late July and early August.

The services levy and property taxes payable by an owner are based on the assessed value of the owner’s property and the mill rates for the services levy and taxes (called mill rates because they are expressed as the amount per $1,000 of assessed value).

The assessed values of properties are determined by the BC Assessment Authority. Assessed values are determined as of July 1 each year and are used as the basis for taxes and the services levy in the following year. The BC Assessment Authority sends a Property Assessment Notice early in January notifying owners of the assessed values of their properties.


Services Levy

The services levy is payable pursuant to a term of each owner’s lease agreement with UBC. The leases provide that the mill rate for the services levy is set so that the sum of the taxes and services levy payable by an owner is equal to the total amount of taxes that would be payable by a property owner in Vancouver whose property has the same assessed value.

Simplifying somewhat, the mill rate for the services levy is equal to the mill rate for Vancouver’s general property tax minus the mill rate for the provincial rural tax.

For a description of what UBC does with the services levy, see the Neighbours Fund page.

Rural Property Tax

One of the taxes payable by owners of property in the UBC neighbourhoods is the provincial rural property tax. This is a tax payable by owners of property that is not in a municipality. It helps pay for the maintenance of secondary highways and for policing.

The rural property tax extracts a substantial amount of money from our community. It has been estimated that the value of the services received by the community in return for the payment of this tax is substantially less than the amount of the tax paid.

Other Taxes

The following is a list of the other property taxes payable by owners of property in the UBC neighbourhoods (other than a couple of minor taxes):

  • School tax: Collected by the province on behalf of the Vancouver School Board. It is the largest tax payable by owners, other than some owners who qualify for the home owner grant.
  • Police tax: The province uses this tax to partially cover the cost of policing in small municipalities and in areas that are not in a municipality.
  • TransLink tax: Collected by the province on behalf of TransLink. It provides part of the funding for public transportation in Metro Vancouver.
  • Metro Vancouver tax: Collected by the province on behalf of Metro Vancouver (the regional government). There are two components to this tax. One component funds Metro Vancouver’s general operations. The other funds services provided to Electoral Area A. While the UBC neighbourhoods are in Electoral Area A, only a small portion of the services benefit the neighbourhoods.

Speculation and Vacancy Tax

The speculation and vacancy tax is imposed by the province in respect of vacant or underused housing in areas of the province affected most by the housing shortage. It applies with respect to housing in the UBC neighbourhoods.

For information on the tax, see the speculation and vacancy tax web page.

Questions Regarding UBC Services Levy?

Phone: 604-822-3596 (Voice messages)

Questions Regarding Provincial Rural Taxes?

Phone: 1-888-355-2700


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Questions Regarding Property Assessment?

Phone: 1-866-825-8322

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