October 28, 2021 Community, News, Sustainability Tips

Transportation is responsible for 27% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Canada, second only to emissions produced from the oil and gas sector. With regional and national goals to reduce GHG emissions, there is an ever-growing demand for electric vehicles (EV) and charging infrastructure. Through an innovative partnership between the UNA, UBC Properties Trust, UBC and Modo, a public EV charging station will be launched on Wesbrook Mall, South of Gray Ave (across from Dahlia House) by the end of 2021.

This collaborative project began over a year ago, starting with a successful application for a $10,000 federal Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure (ZEVIP) grant from Natural Resources Canada (coordinated by BC Hydro), secured by Community Energy Manager, Ralph Wells at UBC Campus & Community Planning (C&CP). The grant is supporting the installation of a public EV charger. With this foundational funding secured, C&CP convened with UBC Properties Trust (PT), who provided significant financial support for the project.

UBC PT funded the EV station acquisition and installation costs, as well as the shared EV car, via contributions from the community car share fund. This car share fund was created to meet a requirement in UBC’s Residential Environmental Assessment Program (REAP), a green building program for residential development.

The University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA) will operate and administrate the use of this charging station in the community. Private EV owners will be required to create a FLO account to access the charger. Stay tuned to the UNA newsletter and website for further information on the charger administration.

Lastly, through a first-of-its-kind partnership with Modo Car Share Co-operative, the station will have two charging ports, one for electric Modo car share vehicles, and one for privately owned vehicles. This is Modo’s first successful collaboration for a shared public charging station in a municipal setting. The hope is that this project can act as a pilot for the UNA and other municipalities and districts that wish to bring more shared EV chargers to their communities.

By the end of 2021, there will be a new public SmartTWO-BSR charging station in Wesbrook Place, equipped with two level 2 chargers. With innovation and collaboration from UBC, UBC Properties Trust, and Modo, the UNA is proud to provide amenities to the community that contribute to a sustainable energy future.