Board Meetings
UNA Board Meetings typically occur on the third Tuesday of each month. Learn more about how to attend, our latest board materials, and important rules of procedure. An archive of previous materials is also available.
The next UNA Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled to be held on February 18, 2025.
UNA Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held in-person, with the option to view online through video conferencing. At the discretion of the Board, some meetings may be held online only. Residents are invited to attend all open sessions.
For the complete schedule, view the 2025 Board Meeting Schedule.
Attend In-person: At the Wesbrook Community Centre
Attend Online: Via YouTube Live Stream
A meeting package is posted before each Board meeting. It includes the agenda, meeting items, and external reports. Minutes from the previous meeting are included for approval by the Board and posted online once finalized.
Board meeting procedures, expectations, and timelines are outlined in the Board Rules of Procedure.
If a delegation wishes to address the Board, advance notice to the Chief Administrative Officer is required seven (7) days prior to the meeting. Delegations are to be heard in the order in which they notify the CAO of their intention to make a presentation to the Board, unless the Board decides otherwise. For more details, view the Delegation Sheet.
To request board minutes and packages earlier than 2022, please contact