June 5, 2020 Governance, News

These last few days, like millions of people across Canada and the world, I have witnessed the devastating impacts of anti-Black racism come to a head with the brutal killing by police of George Floyd, and I acknowledge the countless others who were victimized before him. I have also witnessed the continued injustices directed at Indigenous communities and, in the past months, seen the rise of anti-Asian racism fuelled by misinformation about the pandemic.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I condemn and denounce these acts of racism and commit to further cultivating safe, healthy and inclusive communities that value equity, respect, diversity, inclusion and safety.

I will also commit to recommending to the UNA Board of Directors that we hold racial bias training for all directors and staff, and to identify tangible ways we can use our strengths to reduce racism in our community.

I invite UNA residents to send in your ideas on how to foster diversity and inclusivity in our neighbourhoods.

Richard Watson
Chair, University Neighbourhoods Association