The UNA Board of Directors met on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. Director Bill Holmes presided as Acting Chair in the absence of Chair Richard Watson. Below is a summary of the meeting.

Please note that this summary being provided to UNA Members as a timely update ahead of the approval of the official meeting minutes at the next Board meeting (April 18, 2023).

All reports referenced are available in the March Board Meeting Package

Campus and Community Planning Report

Carole Jolly, Director of Community Development and Engagement at Campus and Community Planning, presented the March 2023 report contained in the agenda package, followed by questions from the Board.

  • Read the full report on page 5 of the Agenda Package

Electoral Area A Report Electoral

There was no discussion of the report.

Management Report

The Management team summarized their respective written reports contained in the agenda package, followed by questions from the Board.

  • Read the full report on page 15 of the Agenda Package

Community Newspaper Name Selection

The Communications Manager summarized the report contained in the agenda package and presented options for the name of the new community newspaper. The Board approve the name “The Campus Resident.”

  • Read the full report on page 29 of the Agenda Package

Update on Partnership Opportunities with MiniVillage

The Communications Manager presented the report contained in the agenda package which summarizes ways in which MiniVillage and the UNA can partner together. The Board directed staff to prepare an agreement between the UNA and MiniVillage based on the terms contained in report and authorized the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the agreement on behalf of the UNA.

  • Read the full report on page 32 of the Agenda Package

Contingency Reserve Withdrawal – WCC Emergency Repairs

The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report contained in the agenda package.

The Board requested that UBC withdraw from the Neighbours Fund Contingency Reserve and pay to the UNA an amount equal to the UNA’s expenditures incurred (other than GST) because of equipment and sprinkler failures in December 2022 at the Wesbrook Community Centre, which amount is approximately $23,000, and to provide the UNA with written confirmation that the Neighbours Fund may be used to make the payment to the UNA.

As well, the Board approved the withdrawal by UBC of a further amount from the Contingency Reserve equal to 33-1/3% of the amount of GST payable by UBC in respect of the requested payment to the UNA.

The UBC members stated that they were in agreement with the above decisions.

  • Read the full report on page 35 of the Agenda Package

Commissionaires BC Services Agreement Renewal 2023-24

The Operations Manager presented the report contained in the agenda package. The Board approved the proposed agreement between the UNA and The British Columbia Corps of Commissionaires for the period April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024, that’s provided to the Board on March 21, 2023 and authorized the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the agreement on behalf of the UNA.

  • Read the full report on page 44 of the Agenda Package

Finance & Audit Committee Update

  • Neighbours’ Fund Investment
    The Finance Manager presented the report contained in the agenda package. The Board directed the Finance Manager to inform UBC Treasury to “invest” $3M of the Neighbours’ Fund for a three-year term.

    • Read the full report on page 62 of the Agenda Package
  • Neighbours’ Agreement Committee Update
    Director Holmes presented a summary of the report contained in the agenda package followed by a question from Director Glassheim.

    • Read the report on page 65 of the Agenda Package